Making a letter
July 15 , 2007

Dear Lisa

We moved into our new apartment.I'm really excited because my sister and I each have our own room! Mine is a little smaller than hers .it's about 15 feet long and 11 feet wide-but that's OK. The important thing is that I can close the door and have some privacy.
I have the same bed as before,but my parents bought me one new piece of furniture -a big writing table.I'm sending you a photo of the room. As you can see,I put the table next to the windows. My bookcase is on the right,and there are bookshelves above the dressing table.My rug is in the middle of the room next to the bed.I put up posters on every wall.My mother hates them, but I think they look terrific.
Actually,I don`t like the way I arranged the room.When you get back from your grandmother, maybe you can give me some advice(or even help me move the furniture).
The rest of the apartment is really nice.There's a big living room,with lots of room for dancing!
It'll be a great place for parties. Unfortunately,there was room for the piano,too. Yes,I'm still taking lessons.
I'm only ten blocks from the high school.That's about a half a mile,so I can walk there in ten minutes.
Please come and see me as soon as you get back in town.I have an exciting piece of news that I can't tell you in a letter. In the meantime,please write. I never receive any mail.My new address
is 178 Balboa Street, Apartment 4-C.
My telephone number is 555-5614.
I hope to see you soon.