We saw in Grammar Bank 3 that we can use past simple (and NOT past continuos)
for repeated actions in the past.

e.g I played basketball every saturday when I was a teenager.

We can also use used to + bare infinitive or would + bare infinitive.
e.g. I used to play basketball every saturday when I was a teenager.
I would play basketball every saturday when I was a teenager.

Be careful ! For continuing states and situations ( rather than actions), we
CAN use past simple or used to,but we CANNOT used woul.
e.g I Loved toy shops when I was a kid.
I used to love toy shop when I was a kid.
BUT NOT: I would love toy shops when I was a kid. X

There are several ways of expressing the negative with used to. The most common is with never.
e.g I never used to like chocolate, but I do now.

There forms are also possible, but they are less common:

I didn 't used to like chocolate, but I do now.
I didn it use to like chocolate, but I do now.
I used not to like chocolate, but I do now.

Be careful ! Trere are two main ways of asking question with used to:
e.g DID you used to live in Germany? (more common)*
DID you use to live in Germany? (less common)