The Philadelphia Experiment
Case number:2178
Case name:The Philadelphia Experiment
Date incident occurred:July - October, 1943
Location:Philadelphia, USA.
Incident report:US naval scientists(1)came out an experiment to make a ship,the U.S.S. Eldridge,invisible.While the scientists were(2)watching what was happening from another ship,a green fog covered the Eldridge.As the fog(3)disappeared,it became clear that the Eldridge had disappeared too.The scientists(4)were extremely pleased.After fifteen minutes,they(5)stoped the experiment,and the Eldridge reappeared.Unfortunately,the men on the Eldridge all(6)felt ill,and didn't(7)know what had happened to them.
A few months later,they(8)did the experiment again,but this time they only wanted the ship to become invisible to radar- not to the human eye.The experiment(9)went wrong, and the ship completely disappeared again.At the sametime,people hundreds of kilometres(10)await in Virginia saw the Eldridge appear in front of(11)them for a few minutes.
It then(12)vanished,and reappeared in Philadelphia.This time,the sailor on the eldridge were extremely ill,and some of them died.
Denial:The U.S. Navy denies the nexperiment(13)to place.
Conclusion:(14)Did the Eldridge actually disappear,and was it teleported to Virginia?
We'll probably(15)never know for sure.