
1. Patterns

Choose the correct word or phrase.

1. I’m not very fond to do / of doing tests.

2 .Jessica’s really looking forward to go /to going back to school.

3. My dad helped me with / for this composition.

4. Pedro’s not very good at / in learning new vocabulary.

5. All the students are able of writing / to write letters to their penfriends.

6. Are you beginning to understand / understanding the difference between past simple and past continuous?


Match to make phrases

  1. be fast e a escape.

  2. be wide g b temperature.

  3. a high b c motion.

  4. a narrow a d voice.

  5. a short h e asleep.

  6. in slow c f trouble.

  7. in a deep d g awake.

  8. be in big f h cut.

3 Education vocabulary

Write a word from the box in each gap to complete the sentences

Subject – lesson – course – break – timetable – report - revision

  1. Please remember to do your homework before the next lesson.

  2. I hope Mrs Lockwood says I´m working hard when she writes her end-of-term report.

  3. What´s your favourite subject at school?

  4. We´ve got a History test next week, so I´vegot to do lost of revision this weekend.

  5. We have a five-minute break between every lesson.

  6. Look at the timetable to find out When and Where all your lessons are.

  7. I´m thinking of doing a two-week English course in London next summer.

4. Present simple and present continuous

Tick (V) the correct sentences. Rewrite those that are incorrect.

My sister is wanting me to help her homework. F

My sister is wants me to help her with her homework

They´re talking a test at the moment. V

Tony often forget to bring his books to class. F

Tony often forgets to bring his books to class

I’m getting better and better at speking English. V

Sarah isn’t really liking her Geography Teacher. F

Sarah doesn´t really like her Geography teacher

What do you think about at the moment? F

What are you thinking about at the moment?

Where lives Dana Banach? F

Where does live Dana Banach?

5. Past simple and past continuous

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form, past simple or past continuous.

  1. The Lizard Man quickly jumped (jump) onto the roof and tryed (try) to get into the car.

  2. Last year, we writting (write) a composition in English once a week.

  3. I watched (wath) TV When I felt (fall) asleep.

  4. Were you (you/be) excited When you heared (hear) the news?

  5. Sean wasn´t driving (not drive) too fast When he had (have) the accident.

6. Used to and Would

Find the extra word in each sentence and write it on the line.

1. I was used to believe that a monster lived under my bed! _was_

2. Sindy would always to sleep with the light on. _would_

3. Harry did never used to enjoy mystery stories. _did_

4. Were you being scared of spiders when you were very young? _being_

5. My grandfather would taught me how to do card tricks. _would_

6. Did Alicie were used to believe in UFOs? _were_

7. Revision of tenses

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form, present simple, present continuous, past simple or past continuous, to complete the pragraph


We (1)are doing(do) a project on mysteries at school at the moment, and some of the stories (2)are(be) extremely
For example, a few years ago over a hundred children (3)were playing(play) in the playground at their school in France When a UFO
suddenly (4)appeared(appear) in the sky above them. Their
teachers (5)saw (see) it too. It (6)was(be) big and round and (7)had(have) lots of lights and windows.
After about ten minutes, it suddenly (8)flew(fly) away.Generally, I (9)don't belive(not believe) in things like UFOs, but I (10)do think(emphatic:think) it`s difficult to explain incidents like that.