Sumary Of Present Perfect

ingles clavero

¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡Now look at this map about present perfect simple and continuous(INSPIRATION)


the book

Subido por: . ingles clavero


Hi! Yes! Now!

Cost: 1.20 1.00 1.50

Sinze: 100 pp 95 pp 75 pp

Popular: /// ///// /

Comes out: once a month one a week one a month

1) Now! is the most expensive magazine. expensive

2) Yes! is cheaper than Hi!. cheap

3) Hi! is cheaper than Hi!. cheap

4) Hi! is bigger than magazine. big

5) Yes! is smaller Hi! but the biggest is Now!. small, big

6) Yes! is the not popular magazine. popular

7) Now! is the not popular. popular

8) Hi! less popular than Yes!. popular

9)Yes! comes out as often as Hi! and Now!. often

10) Hi! comes out as often as Now!. often


Superlative adjectives

Subido por: . ingles clavero

Superlative adjectives
* We used the superlative adjective adjetive to compare one menber of a group with the
Whole group.
1.- Short Adjetive (1 syllabus - add est)
1) Short 3) Small 5) Old 7) Tall
2) Big 4) Chear 6) Young 8) Fat
1) Carlos is the tallest in the class.
2) You are the shortest in the group.
3) Antartic is the coldest cotinent.
2.- Adjectives with final "y" (change "y" = iest)
1) Crazy: Craziest
2) Ugly: Ugliest
3) Happy: Happiest
4) Hoisy: Hoisiest
1) The jail is the ugliest place.
2) This class is the noisiest in the school.
3.-Long Adjectives (2 or more syllables)
1) Expensive 3) Beatiful
2) Exciting 4) Popoular
1)This computer is the most expensive.
2) foolball is the most popular sport.
3) Juan is the most intelligent in this class.
4) 5° gade "C" is the best.
4.- Irregular Adjetives
Comparative Superlative
1) good better the best
2) Bat worse the worst
1) Julio is the best student.
2) "Manchester United" is the best fotball team in europa.
3) Jail anddrugs are the worst things in life.


Compative adjectives

Subido por: . ingles clavero

Comparative Adjetive
1.- Short adjective: (one syllabus adjetive) add "er"
1) Young 4) Small 7) Short
2) Tall 5) Big 8) Cold
3) Cheap 6) Old 9) Fat
1) Alan García is taller than Alejandro Toledo.
2) A radio is cheaper than a computer.
3) Perú is bigger than Bolivia.
4) Reno is colder than lina.
2.- Adjectives with final "y" (ier)
1.-Crazy 3.- Happy
2.-Ugly 4.- Noisy
1) Mary is happier than Sandra.
2) The spider is uglier than the fly.
3.- Long Adjectives (two or more syllabus-mores)
1) Beatiful 4) Hondsome
2) Expensive 5) Popular
3) Moderm
1) Ronaldo is more popular than.
2) My shoes are more expensive than yours.
3) Hugo is more intelligent than Walter.
4) Laura is more beatiful than Magaly.
5) "Guise" school is more modern than "Montero" school.


time expresions often

Subido por: . ingles clavero

time expresions often used
  • for: (period of time)
  • since: (time when the situation started)
  • just
  • already
  • yet: (for negative and questions)
  • so fas
  • before
  • ever-never
  • still aun
  • recently


1) Mario and mirian have loved for syears.

2) Jerson and Joselyn have just finished their relations ship.

3)Sergio has studied in L.N.T.C. since 1997.

4) José Luis hasn´t done hishomework yet.

5) Rony has already studied for the be am.

6) José has played basketball so fas.

7) I´ve never commited a crime.

8) She still hasn´t corived.

9)Have you seen "Meteoro" filsm yet?

10) Luis has recently won a prize in Roland garros.



Subido por: . ingles clavero


  1. Famous people particulary pop stars, actors and TV presenters, are sometimes called celebrities.
  2. when a new film or CD is made and people can see it or buy it, we say it comes out.
  3. A person who writes for newspapers and magazines is called a journalist.
  4. A special kind of report in which one person asks questions and another answers them is called an interview.
  5. things we get information from, such as newspapers,TV radio,etc., are called the media.

My mum and dad read several daily newspapers every morning, but I don´t. The only things I really like reading are monthly magazines such as STAR WORLD and FAN CLUB. They have loads of stories and news about famous people - usually celebrities like BRAD PITT and JENNIFER LOPEZ.They have lots of interviews.For example, this month in STAR WORLD, GEORGE CLOONEY talks about what it´s like directing and starring in movies.I think journalists have the best job in the world!. When I´m older, I want to work in the media. I´d like to write for STAR WORLD , and then I could meet pop and film star and ask them lots of interestng questions!



TV reality shows,which give ordinary people the chance to become celebrities, have become extremely popular. Young people who have dreamed of becoming famous take part in the show and get lots of attention from the media and the public.Many of these young people have brought out their own CDs , which have been quite successful and have made a lot of money form them and their record producers.So far these new reality shows have shown no sign of becoming unpopular, but some people have asked whether they are good for society.



Subido por: . ingles clavero

  • We use the present perfect continuous in actions and situaions that started in the past and still continue at the moment of speaking.
  • Temporary actions and situations in the recent past.


  • I´ve been taking photos for ne hour.
  • Sandra and julio have just been eating a pizza.
  • My brother has been cooking since 10:00 am.


  • Carlos hasn´t been working in the university
  • I haven´t been studying english.
  • My cat hasn´t been drinking milk for two days.



Subido por: . ingles clavero

  • We use present perfect for actions and situations that happened at an unspecified time before the moment of speaking.
  • Actions and situations that started in the past and still happen.
  • To form the present perfect you have to use the past participle of the verb.


  • Arturo has gone to the concert.
  • Joseph has believed inghost since he was achild.
  • they have eaten a lot of fruit.
  • Rosa hasn´t studied for the exam.
  • We haven´t lived in MIAMI since 1995.
  • My brother hasn´t broken the window.


  • Has your brother danced at the party?
  • Have you done the exercises?
  • Have they bought the car?
  • Has your boyfriend written a poem?


Excercise- book

Subido por: . ingles clavero


Complte the gaps with the articles a, an ,a the. Leave the gap blank if they don't need an article


two interesting legal stories from around (1)_the_ world were reported this week. (2)_The_ first comes from (3)_-_ France. (4)_The_ mayor of (5)_-_ French town has introduced (6)_a_ local law, making (7)_-_ death illegal. Talking to (8)_-_ reporters, he said, 'Everyone here in Le Lavandou suppuorts (9)_-_ new law'. Gil Bernadi introduced the bizarre law after the town's cementary became full. 'We wanted to build (10)_a_ new cementaary',he said, 'but a French court refused us permission. There's only room in the town now for the living'. He added that he could see no alternative inless there was (11)_a_ change in (12)_-_ law. 'Unfortunately, despite the order, people keep dying. It's terrible.' he said
Our Second story comes from (13)_-_ South America, where guards at (14)_a_ Brazilian prision left (15)_an_ old scarecrow in charge of a watchtower for (16)_-_ several days.
The scarecrow was dressed in (17)_A_A guard's uniform. None of (18)_the_ 700prisioners at the jail near (19)_-_ Sao Paulo made their escape while the scarecrow was on guard. (20)_The_ incident is currently being investigated by the police


Excercise- Separata

Subido por: . ingles clavero

Now look out the sumary offprint about countable and uncountable
and articles --->1-2
Second Offprint(that's mean a class)
Look the offprint of the second class Articles

clic here ----->Articles (first part)
clic here ----->Articles(continue)


Second Class

Subido por: . ingles clavero


There are three articles in English: a, an, the. How we use them depends on wether a noun is singular or plural, countable or uncountable.

a/antheno article
singular ountable nouns

one non-specific thing:

e.g. that's a book.

(it doesn't matter which book it is)

one specific thing:

e.g. This is the book wich I told you about


e.g: The car is great invention(= cars generally)

plural countable nouns

several specific thing:

e.g. these are the books wich Karen gave me.(specific books)


e.g. Cars are a great invention.(=cars generally)

uncountable specific: nouns


e.g. that was the furniture Paul gave me (specific furniture)

e.g. Furniture is expensive (=furniture generally)


Entertaiment media and sport:

  • the television=the piece od equipement, e.g: turn on the TV.
  • watch television, on television but: listen to the radio, on the radio
  • go to the cinema/the theatre
  • no article for games and sport, e.g I love tennis.


  • For years, usually no article, e.g in 2002 but: in the 1990s, in the 20th century, etc
  • For seasons, with in and during, the meaning is usually the same either with or without article, e.g. In Winter or In the Winter.
  • For month, no article, e.g. Juanuary
  • For days, no arcle, e.g. Monday
  • In the morning/the afternoon/the evening but: at night

Geographical areas

  • Use the with: seas, mountains groups, rivers island groups, regions, e.g: the mediterranean, the Alps, the Thames, the Bahamas, the Arctic
  • don't use the with: planets, continents,countries, twns/cities, streets, lakes, most mountains, individual island e.g Mars, Europe, Crete but: the Earth, the world, the Moon, the Sun, the USA


  • usually with a or an, e.g She is an engineer. but: use the with positions of autority, e.g. the Mayor
  • go to work,be at work


  • usually use the e.g the army/the navy/the police, etc

Public buildings

  • usually use the, e.g. the bank/the post office,etc but: go to prision/hospital is posible when the person is only visiting.


  • no article for particular people, e.g. She's Nigerian but: use the when talking about nationalities in general, e.g. The French drink a lot of wine.


  • go home
  • on the bus,in the car,etc but: go by bike/bus/plane, etc


  • go to school/univesity, etc, be at school/university, etc but: he's gone the school is possible when the person is only visiting
  • for subject, usually no article, e.g. I love Chemistry.

"a" or "an"

  • we put an before singular countable nouns with a vowel sound. It does NOT depend on spelling. e.g an umbrella, a university, an hour, a holiday, etc



Subido por: . ingles clavero


1- Match 1-6 with a-e to make phrases.
1 commit C a the law(x 2 )
2 be against a b arrest
3 be arrested d c a crime
4 be illegal e d for doing something
5 break a e to do something
6 be under b


1 Is it against the law to use someone else's credit card?
2 stop! You're under arrest?
3 Have you ever broken the law?
4 she was arrested for smuggling stolen paintings.
5 Very few people commit erious crimes.
6 Did you know that it's illegal to pretend to be a doctor?

Example. He killed someone.
person: MURDER

1 She carried drugs illegally from one country to another:
person: smuggler
crime: smuggling

2-He stole some clothes from a deparment store.
person: glapliften
crime: shoplifting

3 She broke into the house and stole some jewellery.
person: buglar
crime: buglury
4 He entered the into the bank and told them to fill a bag with money:
person: robber
crime: robblery
5 She stole some money from another student at scholl
person : thiel
crime: thefl

Countable and uncountable nouns
look again at grammar bank


1 the burglar broke the shop window and the glass/glasses cut him!
2 He was arrested six time/times
3 they gave me lots of information/informations about crime prevetion.
4 they stole all the hair/hairs when you go to prision?
6 He committed a number of crime/crimes berofe they caught him.

1 There advice the police gave us was really useful.
2 some of the news was quite good.
3 several sheep were stolen from Mr Davis' farm last night.
4 were there a lot of pelople in the bank at the time of the robbery?
5 I though the shoplifter's hair was daker than tha.


1 a piece of advice b information
a crimes d news

2 a few a crimes b police
c arrests d robberles

3 a: a lawyer b shoplifth
c chief d money


lot number some lots few
little piece amount much


The tv programme crimestoppers has helped solve a large (1) number of crimes since it started . Each week on the programme,the presenters describe(2) some crimes that the police can't solve. and ask people to call in with information.sometimes,there's rewaerd. How (3) much money it is deoends on the crime, but it 's often a large (4) amaunt of money. Obviously, (5) lot of people call! and even catch the criminals.this is because even a (8) little information is hepful to the police. just one (9)piece of information can help them make an arrest.



Subido por: . ingles clavero


1- I didn't know I was Committing a crime when I tied my giraffe to the street lamp!

2- In Maryland,it's a gainst the I am to keep chickens in your hotel room.

3- I was a rrested for riding a camel.
the policeman handcuffed me nad took me to the police station.

4- In turkey during the 16 th and 17th centuries, it was illegal to drink coffe. the punishment was death!

5- Are cats and dogs ever punished for breaking the law?

6- 'you're under arrest !
you have the right to remain silent.
Anything you say can and will be used in a court of law'


First Class

Subido por: . ingles clavero

Countable and Uncountable nouns

countable nouns are nouns we can count. they have a singular and a plural form.

e.g one cat two cats
a person, five people
One sheep is in the field. two sheep are in the field.

Uncountable nouns are nouns we cannot count. they only have one form.

e.g some music. a lot of information
we CANNOT say musics or informations.

Uncountable nouns are usually followed by a singular verb.
e.g that information is really important.

BE CAREFUL ! Some nowns are countable with one meaning and uncountable
with another meaning.
e.g uncountable: that chicken was delicious.(the meat)
countable: the chickens were eating.( the birds)



many much
how many how much
a lot of a lot of
lots of lots of
some some
a few a little
few little
a number of an amount of
a, an,one,two,three,etc a piece of
the the


Welcome the second bimonth

Subido por: . ingles clavero

HELLO! bienvenidos al segundo bimestre .
Remember that we weren't finished all the topics of the first bimonth, So also we're going to do Countable an uncountable,present perfect and comparative and superlative in this order before to begin this syllabus


  1. Future Will-going to
  2. Present simple and present Continuous for future
  3. Modals ability obligation, advice permission, possibity , certainly
  4. Modal perfect
  5. Conditional Zero Conditional and Second Conditional
  6. Time Clauses


General Bimonthly Review

Subido por: . ingles clavero


1. Patterns

Choose the correct word or phrase.

1. I’m not very fond to do / of doing tests.

2 .Jessica’s really looking forward to go /to going back to school.

3. My dad helped me with / for this composition.

4. Pedro’s not very good at / in learning new vocabulary.

5. All the students are able of writing / to write letters to their penfriends.

6. Are you beginning to understand / understanding the difference between past simple and past continuous?


Match to make phrases

  1. be fast e a escape.

  2. be wide g b temperature.

  3. a high b c motion.

  4. a narrow a d voice.

  5. a short h e asleep.

  6. in slow c f trouble.

  7. in a deep d g awake.

  8. be in big f h cut.

3 Education vocabulary

Write a word from the box in each gap to complete the sentences

Subject – lesson – course – break – timetable – report - revision

  1. Please remember to do your homework before the next lesson.

  2. I hope Mrs Lockwood says I´m working hard when she writes her end-of-term report.

  3. What´s your favourite subject at school?

  4. We´ve got a History test next week, so I´vegot to do lost of revision this weekend.

  5. We have a five-minute break between every lesson.

  6. Look at the timetable to find out When and Where all your lessons are.

  7. I´m thinking of doing a two-week English course in London next summer.

4. Present simple and present continuous

Tick (V) the correct sentences. Rewrite those that are incorrect.

My sister is wanting me to help her homework. F

My sister is wants me to help her with her homework

They´re talking a test at the moment. V

Tony often forget to bring his books to class. F

Tony often forgets to bring his books to class

I’m getting better and better at speking English. V

Sarah isn’t really liking her Geography Teacher. F

Sarah doesn´t really like her Geography teacher

What do you think about at the moment? F

What are you thinking about at the moment?

Where lives Dana Banach? F

Where does live Dana Banach?

5. Past simple and past continuous

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form, past simple or past continuous.

  1. The Lizard Man quickly jumped (jump) onto the roof and tryed (try) to get into the car.

  2. Last year, we writting (write) a composition in English once a week.

  3. I watched (wath) TV When I felt (fall) asleep.

  4. Were you (you/be) excited When you heared (hear) the news?

  5. Sean wasn´t driving (not drive) too fast When he had (have) the accident.

6. Used to and Would

Find the extra word in each sentence and write it on the line.

1. I was used to believe that a monster lived under my bed! _was_

2. Sindy would always to sleep with the light on. _would_

3. Harry did never used to enjoy mystery stories. _did_

4. Were you being scared of spiders when you were very young? _being_

5. My grandfather would taught me how to do card tricks. _would_

6. Did Alicie were used to believe in UFOs? _were_

7. Revision of tenses

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form, present simple, present continuous, past simple or past continuous, to complete the pragraph


We (1)are doing(do) a project on mysteries at school at the moment, and some of the stories (2)are(be) extremely
For example, a few years ago over a hundred children (3)were playing(play) in the playground at their school in France When a UFO
suddenly (4)appeared(appear) in the sky above them. Their
teachers (5)saw (see) it too. It (6)was(be) big and round and (7)had(have) lots of lights and windows.
After about ten minutes, it suddenly (8)flew(fly) away.Generally, I (9)don't belive(not believe) in things like UFOs, but I (10)do think(emphatic:think) it`s difficult to explain incidents like that.



Subido por: . ingles clavero

The Philadelphia Experiment
Case number:2178
Case name:The Philadelphia Experiment
Date incident occurred:July - October, 1943
Location:Philadelphia, USA.
Incident report:US naval scientists(1)came out an experiment to make a ship,the U.S.S. Eldridge,invisible.While the scientists were(2)watching what was happening from another ship,a green fog covered the Eldridge.As the fog(3)disappeared,it became clear that the Eldridge had disappeared too.The scientists(4)were extremely pleased.After fifteen minutes,they(5)stoped the experiment,and the Eldridge reappeared.Unfortunately,the men on the Eldridge all(6)felt ill,and didn't(7)know what had happened to them.
A few months later,they(8)did the experiment again,but this time they only wanted the ship to become invisible to radar- not to the human eye.The experiment(9)went wrong, and the ship completely disappeared again.At the sametime,people hundreds of kilometres(10)await in Virginia saw the Eldridge appear in front of(11)them for a few minutes.
It then(12)vanished,and reappeared in Philadelphia.This time,the sailor on the eldridge were extremely ill,and some of them died.
Denial:The U.S. Navy denies the nexperiment(13)to place.
Conclusion:(14)Did the Eldridge actually disappear,and was it teleported to Virginia?
We'll probably(15)never know for sure.


Tenth Class

Subido por: . ingles clavero


We saw in Grammar Bank 3 that we can use past simple (and NOT past continuos)
for repeated actions in the past.

e.g I played basketball every saturday when I was a teenager.

We can also use used to + bare infinitive or would + bare infinitive.
e.g. I used to play basketball every saturday when I was a teenager.
I would play basketball every saturday when I was a teenager.

Be careful ! For continuing states and situations ( rather than actions), we
CAN use past simple or used to,but we CANNOT used woul.
e.g I Loved toy shops when I was a kid.
I used to love toy shop when I was a kid.
BUT NOT: I would love toy shops when I was a kid. X

There are several ways of expressing the negative with used to. The most common is with never.
e.g I never used to like chocolate, but I do now.

There forms are also possible, but they are less common:

I didn 't used to like chocolate, but I do now.
I didn it use to like chocolate, but I do now.
I used not to like chocolate, but I do now.

Be careful ! Trere are two main ways of asking question with used to:
e.g DID you used to live in Germany? (more common)*
DID you use to live in Germany? (less common)


Ninth Class

Subido por: . ingles clavero

Making a letter
July 15 , 2007

Dear Lisa

We moved into our new apartment.I'm really excited because my sister and I each have our own room! Mine is a little smaller than hers .it's about 15 feet long and 11 feet wide-but that's OK. The important thing is that I can close the door and have some privacy.
I have the same bed as before,but my parents bought me one new piece of furniture -a big writing table.I'm sending you a photo of the room. As you can see,I put the table next to the windows. My bookcase is on the right,and there are bookshelves above the dressing table.My rug is in the middle of the room next to the bed.I put up posters on every wall.My mother hates them, but I think they look terrific.
Actually,I don`t like the way I arranged the room.When you get back from your grandmother, maybe you can give me some advice(or even help me move the furniture).
The rest of the apartment is really nice.There's a big living room,with lots of room for dancing!
It'll be a great place for parties. Unfortunately,there was room for the piano,too. Yes,I'm still taking lessons.
I'm only ten blocks from the high school.That's about a half a mile,so I can walk there in ten minutes.
Please come and see me as soon as you get back in town.I have an exciting piece of news that I can't tell you in a letter. In the meantime,please write. I never receive any mail.My new address
is 178 Balboa Street, Apartment 4-C.
My telephone number is 555-5614.
I hope to see you soon.


Eighth Class

Subido por: . ingles clavero


*It is used to emphazice of itensify an action on situation. Use the
auxiliaries: does - do

DOES for he/she/it

DO for I/we/you/they


*Do not put the letter "s" in the verb when you work with he , she , it.


1.- I do love my son.

2.-Carlos does run 10 km every morning.

3.-My sister does speak french.

4.-She does know about computer.


Seventh Class

Subido por: . ingles clavero

review the answer of the first exam in
Stative Verbs

Some verbs are not usually used in their continuous form for example in present continuous, past continuous, etc. These are called Stative verbs.
The most common Stative Verbs are:

believeforgetpreferrememberbelong to

Some verbs are stative with one meaning and not stative with another meaning see below:


stative meaning/use

non-stative meaning/use


use for states rather than actions

e.g. It is three o'clock

use for temporary behaviour and action at the present time

e.g. You are being lazy


posses, own; experience an emotion, sensation, state, etc

e.g. I have pink hair at the moment

use for action

e.g. I'm having a bath at the moment.


have an opinion, believe

e.g. I feel that we get too much homework

touch; experience an emotion, sensation, etc

e.g. I'm felling a bit ill at the moment.


have an opinion, believe

e.g. What do you think about our new teacher?

consider; use your brain

e.g. What are you thinking about at the moment?


Sixth Class

Subido por: , . ingles clavero

Past simple and past continuous exercise

Don't forget to see the exercise of the offprint :

Stative verbs

don't forget to see the exercise of the offprint (uploaded by Arturo Fong)


Fifth Class

Subido por: . ingles clavero

Past Continuous
We use past continuous for:
  • an action or situation in the past which was already happening when another action or situation happened(usually used with past simple).
  • an action or situation in the past which is interruped or stopped by another action or situation(usually used with past simple).
  • background information and description in a story.
  • two unfinished situations or events in progress at the same time.


  1. I was talking down the street when I had a great idea.
  2. I was riding my bike when I had an accident.
  3. We got to the beach at half past two.hundreds of people were sunbathing on the golden sand.
  4. I was doing my homework while Dan was playing his comuter game.

Past Continuous:


  • I was eating.
  • you were eating.
  • she was eating.


  • I wasn´t eating.
  • you weren´t eating.
  • she wasn´t eating.


  • Was I eating?
  • Were you eating?
  • Was she eating?


Fourth Class

Subido por: . ingles clavero

Past Simple
We use past simple for:
  • completed actions at the specific time in the past.
  • completed situations and states in the past.
  • repeated actions in the past.
  • the main events and situations in a story.


  1. I bought three CDs yesterday.
  2. I had green hair for a while as a teenager.
  3. We played football every saturday.
  4. I ran out of the house,crossed the road and jumped on the bus.


positive:subject+bare infinitive+ed-->I/you/he/she/we/you/they appeared.

negative:subject+didn't+bare infinitive --> I/you/he/she/we/you/they didn't appear.

question form:Did+subject+bare infinitive-->Did I/you/he/she/we/you/they appear?


The negative and questions form for irregular verbs are the same as for regular verbs.

positive:Inga went to london.

negative:Inga didn't go to london.

question form:Did Inga go to london?

The only exception is the verb to be:

positive:You were in london/Inga was in london.

negative:You weren't in london/Inga wasn't in london.

question form:Were you in london?/Was Inga in london?



  • play: played
  • cook: cooked
  • dance: danced
  • look: looked
  • listen: listened
  • work: worked
  • watch: watched
  • love: loved
  • kiss: kissed
  • study: studied
  • die: died
  • live: lived


  • sleep: slept
  • go: went
  • buy: bought
  • eat: ate
  • drink: drank
  • have : had
  • make: made
  • win: won
  • write: wrote
  • drive: drove
  • to be: was-were


Third Class

Subido por: . ingles clavero

also don't forget to see the exercise of the offprint
Present Simple II
Interrogative form: Use The Auxiliares Does-Do


1-Does your mother cook every day?

  • yes,she does
  • No,she doesn't

2-Do the lions live in affrica?

  • yes,they do
  • No, they don't

3-Does your boyfriend study in the university?

  • yes,he does
  • No,he doesn't


Write The Correct Auxiliary in the Question

  1. Does your sister work in spain?
  2. What does she do?
  3. Do milagros, jose and you go to school?
  4. Where does the director live ?
  5. Which do you like ?
  6. What milk does your cat drink?


Second Class

Subido por: . ingles clavero

Present continuous

We use present continuous for:
  • Actions happeninng at the moment of speaking.
  • Temporary situations and actones in the present.


-Mary is buying a TV.

-My parents are living in Spain.

-You are going to the beach.

-My sister is going to work.

-The cat is drinking milk.

-My father is watching TV.


First Class

Subido por: . ingles clavero

Present Simple I
We use present simple for:
  • actions that happen always,usually,often,regularly,every day/week/month/year,etc,sometimes,rarely,never.
  • states.
  • general truths and facts.


  • I usually play soccer in the afternoon.
  • Rocio is tall.
  • The kittens drink milk.


When we use present simple with the pronouns he/she/it, we have to add ''s'' to the verbs


  • She buys a stereo.--->Mary buys a stereo.
  • He watches TV.----->My father watches TV.
  • It drinks milk.-------->the cat drinks milk.


Welcome to English World

ingles clavero

Hola compañeros, les damos la bienvenida a English World , el blog del curso de ingles.

En este blog podrás ver el desarrollo de las clases ,para que no te pierdas en ellas, repasar los temas vistos en clase , hacer un mini Quiz al final de cada leccion , ver ejemplos,y hacer ejercicios de cada tema y si faltaste un dia del curso ¡no te preocupes! podras ver lo hecho en clase en el blog ,saber que paginas hemos resuelto, las separatas trabajadas y todo lo que desarrollemos en clase .

Syllabus I° Bimonth
  1. Present simple and Present continuous
  2. Stative verbs
  3. Past simple and past continuous
  4. Used to, would
  5. Countable, uncountable nous
  6. Comparative and superlatives
  7. Present perfect